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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Accommodations Review Committee Evaluation Process

  1. The Accommodations Review Committee (ARC) is comprises the Everglades University Vice President of Academic Affairs, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Campus Vice President, and Dean of Academic Affairs.
  1. The committee convenes as needed to consider student requests for adjustments/ accommodations arising from disabilities documented by licensed professionals pursuant to the Criteria for Disability Documentation.
  1. The committee reserves the right to accept documentation which varies from this criteria but is professionally sound and of high quality, or conversely, may reject documentation viewed as inadequate to support the requested adjustment/accommodation.
  1. Within 5 business days of receiving the Request for Adjustments/ Accommodations, the ARC will convene to review the documentation, engage in an interactive process with the student regarding what accommodations/academic adjustments are needed, reach a decision, and notify the student in writing of their status (eligible, ineligible, deferred). The student will receive the approved accommodation or adjustment within 5 business days* of the ARC’s meeting. This established procedure is to ensure proper and timely disbursement of auxiliary aids and/or academic adjustments to students with disabilities.* Students are provided the approved accommodation or adjustment following the ARC meeting, unless specialized accommodation/adjustment/equipment needs to be ordered and received by the student or University, not to exceed 30 business days. Every effort will be made to provide the approved accommodation or adjustment as expeditiously as possible.
  1. If a student is ineligible or deferred, the letter will explain what is missing within 10 business days of receiving the Request for Adjustments/Accommodations. If a student is determined eligible, it is a student’s responsibility to make an appointment with the Campus Vice President to discuss the approved reasonable adjustments/ accommodation Adjustments/Accommodations will not be initiated prior to this meeting.

In order for the ARC to consider a request for adjustments/accommodations, all applicants (prospective students) must have successfully completed all parts of the required documentation.

Students with obvious and severe physical disabilities will be served prior to receipt of proper documentation.

Resubmission Procedure

Students who are denied adjustments/accommodations due to a lack of sufficient documentation of their disabilities may resubmit their requests when they have additional documentation.

Grievance Procedure

Students who have been deemed ineligible for adjustments/ accommodations have the right to file a grievance with Everglades University. The grievance procedures are described in the Everglades University Catalog.