There’s an intangible feeling of innate goodness when you are able to help another person by bettering their life through improving their overall well-being. Dedicating your life to helping someone else is a characteristic that is hard to find and should be valued as such by doing whatever you can…
How To Prevent Wind Turbines From Killing Birds

In this day and age it is widely known that we live in world where our resources are limited. Civilization is coming together, however, to try and utilize all the resources Earth has to offer in the most conservative possible way. Wind, for example, is an abundant source of energy…
Crisis and Disaster Management During Hurricane Isaac

Eerily coinciding with the grim 7-year anniversary of the devastating disaster and aftermath of the infamous Hurricane Katrina that ravished New Orleans in 2005, Hurricane Isaac came ashore on the night of Tuesday, August 28, 2012. The large, slow-moving storm loomed over the Gulf of Mexico for nearly a day before it finally hit, leaving a river of destruction in its wake.
NIH Funds Continued Study of Alternative Medicine Pain Management

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced an expansion of their Pain Consortium which will include 11 new institutions designated as Centers of Excellence in Pain Education (CoEPEs).
Manhattan Construction Projects Bring Vitality to Manhattan’s West Side

The New York City Department of City Planning and its construction managers havehas been hoping to find a way to revitalize Manhattan’s Far West Side, and it they may have finally found the solution. The plan? To extend New York City’s No. 7 subway line into the Far West Side, giving it a connection to the city’s prominent Midtown.
Powerful Wind Technology Leading to Wind Power Jobs

For decades, the U.S. has been struggling to find an alternative source of renewable energy, one that doesn’t create a dangerous reliance on foreign countries or pollution of our cities and towns. According to recent studies, we may be getting closer than ever to a real solution. The answer? Wind.
Can You Alleviate Pain by Alternative Therapy for Cancer Patients?

“Alternative” therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, biofeedback, and massage may soon have to change their names as they become more mainstream and less of an alternative to standard medical treatments. Increasingly, the once frowned-upon remedies, are gaining traction in hospitals across the United States, especially in oncology wards.
Tim Cook Leadership Style As CEO of Apple Has Shown Impressive Results

Tim Cook Leadership Shows Impressive Results When iconic Apple CEO Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011, he left a trail of innovation in his wake and not a small amount of expectation for his successor’s business administration and management. Stock Shares Increased By 80% While Jobs’ replacement Tim…
Careers in Social and Community Service Management in Demand

In today’s economy, it’s difficult to find any career field that is growing, much less at a faster than average rate, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that’s just what you’ll find when you decide to become a Social and Community Service Manager. Most people are aware that the boom in the healthcare industry is related to the rise in the elderly population, thanks to baby boomers reaching retirement age. Few people realize the effect that this aging population has on the social and community service industry, however.
Breaking the Sound Barrier: What Does It Mean for Aviation Technologists?

What’s faster than the speed of sound and able to free-fall 24 miles in just nine minutes? This isn’t a riddle, but even so, there’s only one answer—Felix Baumgartner. The former military parachutist turned daredevil achieved what no skydiver has done before when he broke the sound barrier on October 14, 2012 near Roswell, New Mexico, jumping from a mind-boggling and stomach-churning 128,000 feet in the air.