
Everglades University Student: Dawn Burnett Webb

Everglades University Students

Since graduating  as a Major in Alternative Medicine from the Everglades University  campus, Dawn’s career has gone on to really soar, from appearing on the TODAY Show on NBC to The Dr. Oz Show and publishing her first book, an autobiography entitled “True Confessions of the Heart.” Dawn Burnett Webb is…

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Higher Education: Changing the Face of Construction

construction manager

There was a time where a construction manager, superintendent or general contractor earned their titles by coming up through the ranks–years of hard work in the field and hands-on experience. By the end of the 20th century, technological advancements, software and web applications created a new demand. Labor specialization occurred in…

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Latest Aviation Technology: Studies on Wake Vortices Could Make Flying Safer and More Efficient

Aviation Technology Planning in Educational Programs

Wake Vortices Research Shows the Path to Aviation Safety While frequent flyers in the United States fear that federal budget cuts may compromise flight safety, European researchers are embarking on creating the latest aviation technology designed to make air travel not only safer, but more efficient as well. What is…

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Louisiana Prepares for State and Federal Renewable Energy Mandates

Renewable Energy Program

Louisiana Renewable Energy Program Like most major utility companies in the United States, those in Louisiana haven’t always embraced the idea of tapping into renewable energy sources. Propelled by a 2010 pilot program approved by the Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC), however, reluctant power companies are finally making measurable gains…

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Is America Prepared for a National Emergency?

Are We Prepared for a National Crisis?

With growing fears of economic collapse, national disasters, and terrorist attacks, the United States government in association with private entities is increasing efforts to ensure the safety of its citizens in the event of a national emergency. Despite these ongoing efforts, however, many average citizens and experts alike question whether…

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