Everglades University offers rich opportunities for those who choose to continue their education in Sarasota. With abundant resources for research, exploration, and relaxation in the Sarasota Bay area, Everglades University provides an excellent base to help you succeed. If you have been contemplating your education in Sarasota, here are a…
Everglades University Signs an Articulation Agreement with The Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale (ATOM)

Everglades University Signs an Articulation Agreement with The Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale (ATOM). Pictured: EU President Kristi Mollis, ATOM President Dr. Yen, EU VP of Academics Jayne Moschella, and ATOM Executive Director Dort S. Bigg, JD For more information, please contact your campus.
April 2011 Issue of Construction Business Owner- EU Graduate Testimonial
Growing up in a “BIG” city like New York, experience counts a great deal in the construction industry. Working in the fi eld of construction for nearly 12 years gave me the edge that put me above the rest, but opportunities close quickly if you don’t have a degree.
A paper written by two of our current MAS students, Rick Waddell and Greg Wagner, was published in the January 2007 issue of BTE (Business Travel Executive) Magazine
General aviation, to date, has a far better record than do the commercial airlines. As a result, although ideas like Free Flight and SMA have been tested, the government has done very little to change its security standards.