Is It The Right Time for Entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurship Degree in Florida

You may think getting an entrepreneurship degree and starting your own business in a struggling economy is a bad idea, but the experts disagree. In fact, they say the timing has never been better, thanks to the resources entrepreneurs have access to in our globally connected society.

Uber-successful author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy says “it’s easier than ever” to begin a successful business, so long as you are truly passionate about what it is you’re building.

The Facts of a Golden Age for Entrepreneurship

1Former Apple marketer and social media sensation Guy Kawasaki agrees, suggesting that the digital age has made it possible for anyone to start a promising business from the ground up with little to no capital.

2It’s true that social media networks have given us all the potential to spread a message to the masses, but with everyone throwing their proverbial hats in the ring, it could also be difficult to stand out amidst the throng of wanna-be entrepreneurs. While the gurus stop short of saying that you need an MBA to achieve your company’s goals, they all see value in having smart business sense.

The Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship from Everglades University is a unique program that teaches rising stars how to navigate today’s increasingly complex business world. With such courses as Leadership Skills for Managers, Entrepreneurial Innovation and Technology, and Global Business Ventures, students will learn best practices and gain a competitive advantage that could mean the difference in whether their business scheme catches fire or fizzles out completely.

Prospective students can contact the University for more information about this exciting graduate program, or access the full program description online.


  2. Financial Post: “It’s easier than ever before to start your own business”