How Useful Are Business Degrees?

Useful Business Degrees

Many students know that their passion lies in business: building something that generates revenue for them month after month or helping advance the ranks of corporate leadership. The problem is that not all business programs are created equal. Your business major in college sets the stage for your future career options. 

What should you consider when it comes to selecting useful business degrees that set you up for long-term success? 

Everglades University can help you find a business degree program to prepare you for the modern job market.

Business Administration

Maybe you know that you want to work in a Fortune 500 company. Other people may simply want to find more job opportunities within growing small businesses. A degree in business administration can set the stage for you. 

Business administration equips you for important roles within almost any sector. Some of the positions you might hold when graduating from one of these programs include: 

A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration can potentially launch a career in business. However, you can continue to grow with a Master’s degree in the same subject. Everglades University offers several concentrations within this graduate degree program: 

Throughout these programs, you will learn great strategies for both local and international marketing. Plus, you can learn the principles of finance even without having to fall into the category of finance or accounting majors. 


Maybe you don’t relish the idea of spending day after day building an empire for someone else.

You might want to pursue a Master’s degree in entrepreneurship before you strike out on your own. Roughly 11 percent of people who start their own businesses have this level of education behind them. 

Our 12-month graduate degree in entrepreneurship can help you learn more about the finer points of human resources, accounting, and even marketing. Everything you need to launch a brand-new business in your local community (or online) is covered in this year-long degree program. 

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to get a degree in entrepreneurship to start a business. Entrepreneurs can benefit from some of these other majors. 

International Business

Do you dream of jet-setting all over the world and working with corporations that have a global influence? An International Business degree could potentially increase those career opportunities. 

With that in mind, you should also consider how many businesses are global these days with the rise of the internet. There are 12 to 24 million e-commerce businesses that take place all over the globe. Only 2.5 million are based in the United States. 

Consider the implications for a risk management analyst who understands an international scope. Even supply chain managers can play an important role in sourcing products and getting them into the hands of customers around the world. 

Don’t let location limit you with an international business major. Students with these useful business degrees can often become market research analysts or business intelligence analysts who note the growing trends that can promote success in a new business venture. 


Some people are hesitant to niche down into business law, supply chain management, and business analytics because they don’t want to limit their job opportunities. If you fall into this category but want to be in the C-Suite, a Leadership degree might be the best fit. 

A Leadership degree from Everglades University can set you apart as an expert, especially if you have your undergraduate degree in Business Administration. While it may be more generic, it can be a useful business degree for someone interested in climbing the corporate ladder. 

Business leaders should know the best business practices for their respective fields. Consider whether you want to specialize in new business ventures and entrepreneurship, business strategy for startups, or even international marketing. Specialize in whatever you want while priming yourself for the leadership aspects of business. 

Specialize in an Industry

While you may not learn financial accounting or forensic accounting, you can make good use of an education in a very specific industry. A baccalaureate degree in something like construction management or aviation management could set you up for a graduate degree in Business Administration. 

For example, consider a student who knew he wanted to work in home remodeling. He might have pursued his undergraduate studies in Construction Management and then followed it up with Business Administration. This may enable him to rise through the ranks faster. 

It could also help you to be an understanding team member of a human resource management team. You will learn the practical skills and interpersonal skills that accompany day-to-day business. All of these are transferable skills that give you the foundational knowledge to succeed in the business realm. 

In other words, don’t feel limited by only selecting specific business programs. Studying at a graduate level can prepare you for a number of roles and responsibilities.

How Business Students Learn at Everglades University

No matter whether you want to be a marketing manager or a financial manager in your chosen field, you will need some education behind you. Everglades University provides rigorous academic programs for all of the most useful business degrees found here. 

We can help you customize your education and select business courses for your desired career path. 

Reach out to our admissions team today to learn more about our programs! 

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