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Graduating Students Important Information

Crisis and Disaster Management During Hurricane Isaac

Eerily coinciding with the grim 7-year anniversary of the devastating disaster and aftermath of the infamous Hurricane Katrina that ravished New Orleans in 2005, Hurricane Isaac came ashore on the night of Tuesday, August 28, 2012. The large, slow-moving storm loomed over the Gulf of Mexico for nearly a day before it finally hit, leaving a river of destruction in its wake.

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Manhattan Construction Projects Bring Vitality to Manhattan’s West Side

manhattan construction project new york city

The New York City Department of City Planning and its construction managers havehas been hoping to find a way to revitalize Manhattan’s Far West Side, and it they may have finally found the solution. The plan? To extend New York City’s No. 7 subway line into the Far West Side, giving it a connection to the city’s prominent Midtown.

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Powerful Wind Technology Leading to Wind Power Jobs

wind power creating jobs

For decades, the U.S. has been struggling to find an alternative source of renewable energy, one that doesn’t create a dangerous reliance on foreign countries or pollution of our cities and towns. According to recent studies, we may be getting closer than ever to a real solution. The answer? Wind.

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Can You Alleviate Pain by Alternative Therapy for Cancer Patients?

alternative therapy

“Alternative” therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, biofeedback, and massage may soon have to change their names as they become more mainstream and less of an alternative to standard medical treatments. Increasingly, the once frowned-upon remedies, are gaining traction in hospitals across the United States, especially in oncology wards.

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Everglades University’s EASE Grant Performance Measures on Access Rate, Affordability Rate, Graduation Rate, Retention Rate and Postgraduate Employment Rate are specifically listed on the ICUF Dashboard.