The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Commission on Colleges took a number of actions this month, including placing two colleges on probation and raffirming 40 colleges’ accreditation.
Orlando Campus Librarian wins award
Where each day brings a surprising fact, a fun activity, or an Ask a Librarian award … and a chance to brag about our incredible services! And the Ask a Librarian Award goes to… With more than 100 libraries participating and more than 1000 fabulous librarians trained, Ask a Librarian…
Everglades University Faculty Member Receives National Award Career College Association bestows Annual Achievement Award for Most Innovative Best Practices
Sarasota, Florida— May 14, 2009 – Everglades University is proud to announce that Cathy Colford, a Construction Management faculty member, has won the Career College Association’s award for the Most Innovative Best Practices/New Program. Colford’s novel teaching techniques made her the overwhelming choice in this category for the Career College…
Jobs & Schools – Everglades University, Opening doors to premier opportunities in aviation
Getting a career in aviation isn’t easy. For most people, it’s only through entry positions that better opportunities are accessible. Often, premier positions require a college degree, a requirement that many who desire entry-level jobs may be missing.
Essential for Success in Construction Today: Education – Eric D. Kennedy, Director, Construction Management Program
In a recent book published by Harvard Business School Press, Workforce Crisis, by Ken Dychtwald, Tamara Erickson, and Robert Morison, it is present-ed that “Education — not just the number of workers, but what they can actually do” is the most serious challenge in coping with workforce needs over the next decade. Recognition of this key consideration was a contributing factor for Everglades University in developing the Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Management.
Read all about EU’s Construction Management Program featured in the June issue of Construction Executive
If they could, construction employers would clone students like the ones who participated in associated Builders and Contractors’ (ABC) Student Chapter Construction management Competition. These students possess all the skills needed to take on management positions left vacant by a retiring baby boom generation.
A paper written by two of our current MAS students, Rick Waddell and Greg Wagner, was published in the January 2007 issue of BTE (Business Travel Executive) Magazine
General aviation, to date, has a far better record than do the commercial airlines. As a result, although ideas like Free Flight and SMA have been tested, the government has done very little to change its security standards.