Current Students

Student Services at Everglades University

Academic Advising

While the student is ultimately responsible for planning his/her own academic success, the University assigns each student an Academic Advisor. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor every semester. Courses required for the completion of the degree, CUM GPA, attendance and progress reports will be discussed. Academic Advisors are available to meet with their students in person, via phone, or by email. Scheduling an appointment in advance is recommended.


The student orientation program is designed to facilitate the transition to college, to familiarize new students with the organization, staff, and operation of the University. During the orientation, students are introduced to the mission and traditions of the University, rules and regulations, study techniques, and academic standards. Accordingly, all new and transfer students are encouraged to attend the orientation. Online students are encouraged to schedule a telephone orientation prior to starting.


It is the policy of Everglades University to assist students in finding a career upon graduation. Prior to, and after graduation, the administration will advise the student in career development skills and assist the student in finding employment in their chosen career fields. This service is available to both online and on campus
students. Everglades University utilizes a national web-based placement service at to further assist students in their job search. Students are required to provide the University with a current résumé to retain their placement privilege. Although Everglades University provides employment placement assistance, it does not promise or guarantee employment.

Employers of Our Graduates

Click here to view more of the employers that hire our graduates.
